Sunday, August 3, 2008

Knit fabric

Ugh - I forgot how much I don't like sewing knit fabric. In some ways it's very forgiving, but it always slips and stretches which makes it a pain in the butt. I finally carved out a little space where I can do some crafting. I made a couple of pair of shorts. I had them cut out for a while. They said size 3/4, so I figured they'd be way too small for Ray. When I got them finished though, I realized they were pretty big! One pair I made to fit Ray. I made the other pair smaller around the waist, so hopefully they'll fit Louis in a year or so. I have a shirt that I'm making to go with it. Neither shorts are from the knit fabric! I also made a skirt to go with an outfit I'm making Olivia, and THAT is the knit fabric. No picture of it yet because I'm not finished!

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